Speak English Like an American
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Speak English Like an American


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شناسه محصول: Speak_English_Like_an_American دسته:

250,000 ریال


نقد و بررسی

Speak English Like an American

More Speak English Like an American brings you another 300+ idioms and expressions you need to know for everyday life and for business success!
Maybe you have already read Speak English Like an American. But this is not a necessary requirement. You can start with this new book, if you like, and work back. This book features a new story and new idioms and expressions.
In More Speak English Like an American, youll follow the story of an American business as its employees come up with new product ideas, travel to China, throw themselves into office romances, and have exciting adventures.
This new book contains dozens of exercises and includes hundreds of usage examples, including some from American newspapers. Origins of many of the expressions are explained. Includes illustrations and an audio CD of all the dialogues.
In this deluxe book & CD set, youll find:
– Over 300 of todays most common American English everday idioms & expressions
– Dozens of exercises to help you master the material complete with answer key so you can correct yourself — instantly. No wondering if you were wrong!
– Extra usage examples of each idiom or phrase
– Illustrations of many of the idioms — what a great way to remember them!
– An audio CD with the voices of six native speakers of American English — a perfect way to practice your pronunciation!

نمایش کامل نقد و بررسی
وزن600.0 گرم
مولف :

Amy Gillett

انتشارات :

Language Success Press

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